Monday, September 11, 2006


The jury is still out, and there is SO MUCH to consider regarding this topic. I really cannot even begin to do it justice in a single blog entry. However, I am going to toss out a few of the things I tend to wonder about when I think of "Megachurch" because I want to keep thinking about it, and I want anyone who is reading this blog to know that I am thinking about it.

Big enough to have plenty of resources and "committed" workers to support many terrific programs.

So big it is easy for folks to attend without being committed.

Usually have charismatic leadership - part of the reason so many people attend - so people will listen to the message OR idolize the messenger.

Too big to foster true discipleship.

Usually founded and sustained upon Cell Group / House Church activities, which are the best way for discipleship to thrive.

Often such big churches are "seeker sensitive" which means the gospel is clothed in "less offensive" language and imagery to woo the "unchurched."

Each of these statements, and many more like them, has virtual reams of debate pulsating within it. I have thought, prayed, pondered, researched, discussed, debated, wondered, questioned, interviewed, experienced, witnessed, participated, avoided, recommended for and against until my face is purple.

BOTTOM LINE: It is all about Jesus. God is big enough to eclipse any doubts I may have about the wisdom of certain aspects of "Megachurchianity." I am content to leave it in His capable hands. He knows where each of us is in our journey. He knows what we need and He knows where He wants to use us. It is up to us to follow hard after Him and be obedient. I do not have to be convinced that all big churches are necessarily good or bad.

Grace and freedom are sweet.

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